Thursday, January 31, 2008

Blue Square

Well.... You see, when we tried to upload all the ski video

off our camcorder onto the computer, the camcorders battery

died and all the videos were gone. Even off the camera, but the other

day, we turned it on and it asked me if i wanted to recover some files, so i clicked

ok and presto! They were all there again, so here is one of the long lost

videos. its of Dad, me and Erin on the blue square run.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Running Laps

Here is Tim, Libby and me running laps around

grandma's living room

Auntie Gloria and Libby Spinning

This is Libby making Auntie Gloria dizzy :)

Dance Party with Libby

okay, soo...this is Libby jumping, dancing, singing and running laps

to her favourite song (Okie Dokie Hokie Cokie). You'll be able to hear

it in the background. she has so much energy! Also, l'm sorry about the black

and white AGAIN! I figured out how to get rid of it right after I filmed this.

Final Good-byes

Here's Dad saying his good-byes to Libby

Mom and Libby

Here's mom, and Libby drinking milk

Okie Dokie Hokie Cokie

Here she is clapping to her favourite music-Duggie Dug Dug.
Here favourite Song is Okie Dokie Hokie Cokie

Little People

Here we are playing with her "Little People". She has animals
and people...she likes to set the animals up in a big line, and all
the people up in another line, and then "crash" them (kicking them everywhere)

Ring around the Rosie

Here we are playing Ring Around the Rosie

The little Athlete

This is Libby running Laps around grandma's living room
(or great grammy's living room as she would call it). She has so much
energy it amazes me-I thinksh'es gonna be an olympic runner when
she grows up!!!!!

The Master of Skis

Here's the master of Skis-dad!! He's going down the Blue Square

run here, and then over a big bump thing at the end. Also, sorry that it's in black

and White, but mom pressed some button on the camera and it turned funny colours...

then she blamed it on the camera-ha.

Here we all are eating our pizza that we bought just
before we left after the Night Skiing (around 7:30-ish)
It was really good pizza...courtesy of "Hell's Kitchen"

Ski Lift at Night

You probably can't see this too well, but this is me, Erin and
Dad on the ski lift during the Night Ski. Thats why its so dark

Having fun on the Green Circle

Here's me and Erin coming off the Green Circle run. We don't normally ski like this-ha.

Posing on thee Slopes

Here we all are posing in our skis (you can't see them)...
Don't you love my sweet goggles??

Mom's New Fashion

Ha. Here's mom trying to decide which headband
looked best with her new ski goggles... luckily,
she didn't wear either of these ones :)