Friday, June 27, 2008

Sasktel Cenennial Picnic

A while ago, we went to a Sasktel Picnic cuz it
was sasktel's 100th year. Here is the cake

Mom eating her hotdog

Dad and his drink, hotdog and double hamburger

Dad and his cake+drink again

me and my cake+drink

haha-out of like 500 forks, i got the gimped one =P

ooo-at the end, we all got free frisbees!!

My Best Friends!!! =P

Ok well, i cut open a new watermelon the other day, and there turned out to be a face in it!! i didn't actually put it there-amazingly!!! the melon was just over rype and so it caved in on certain places. Oh-and his name is wally!!

Mom murdering wally :'(

Well, the face was not only on the big slice I cut off, but it was on the other side of the Melon as well, so this one is Carl.

hehe-I took a knife to Carl and made him look a little better :D

But it turns out, Carl didn't survive either :(

SIIT Convocation

ok, well On June 19th, me, dad and mom all went to S'toon cuz dad
was taking the SIIT (saskatchewan Institute of Technologies) convocation photos, so I got to help with that too+plus miss school and get paid for it! woot woot!!

Here's dad with the pictures of his photo packages for the graduates to buy

"Cultural Identity Fair"

On June 17, our clas had a "cultural Identity Fair" I did mine on Sweden :)

haha-what a nice pic!!! But anyways theres a story behind it:

So...I'm showing my pavilion to a big bunch of kids that came to visit, and when i sat down, my friend Daryn puuled my chair away and I fell on the ground. All the kids laughed and walked away! hahaha-good times!! so here I am scowling at Daryn :P hehe notice how evil she looks!?! ahaha

MUAHAHA!! After that. i was whipping her with a towel :D We had some pretty fun times that day, so here is evil me and my painful whipping towel!

Cortney and Anna+their pavilions. Oh, and did I mention that Anna was
in on the whole "chair pulling plan?? yeahh-she got a few hair elastics shot at her too :) sooo much fun!

Fathers Day at the Park and Burger King

We went to Wascana Park later

a cute couple :)

Me sitting on grandpa's new walker

Grandma and Grandpa going for a walk


On the way back to the car

Grandpa smiling and shaking his finger at me while I take a picture :) hehe
not the greatest pic-but it's all we have. After the park we took grandpa out for supper
to his favourite restaurant: Burger King!

Fathers Day at Sunset Extendicare

Grandpa and Dad

Grandpa and me!

PRESENT TIME!!!! dad got grandpa 16 big chocolate
bars, and 48 bars of chips. It is now June 27th, and they are ALL gone!!! hahaha

48 bags!!!

Fathers Day at Mongolie Grill

On Fathers Day, we went out for lunch with mom's side of the family+Grandma to
a restauant called Mongolie Grill. It was really good!

Dad, Grandma, Me

Grandpa Walter+Mom

Dad and the lemon from his water (They put a lemon on the glass for extra flavour)

Dad and his stir fry

Grandma Walter and Mom

FNUC Convocation

wow-I haven't updated in a long time!!! These pics are from like over a month ago! I was helping dad at the "First Nation's University of Canada" cuz he was taking the convocation photos. I got to sell them :D

Here is our display-showing off the "Graduate Package"

hehe-i set my camera on timer and took this when dad wasn' in the room :)

The background (a star blanket)

The photographer

The photographer and all his equipment!

Friday, June 20, 2008

At the Park

Kyra, Emily (wearing my sweater) and me sitting on a tree over the lake.
Haley took this picture cuz she's paranoid of geese, and was too scared to climb the
tree with us incase she fell in the lake. She missed out on lots of fun!!

Table Times

The Party Table and decorations

The typical plate setting

Everybody eating

Mom serving Rainbow Sherbert with our cake

Everybody in the morning enjoying a pancake breakfast

Group Shots

Everybody (Abby on couch, me, emily, haley, alice and kyra)

Pyramid!! :D

haha-you gotta love the morning after you've stayed up til 4:30

wow-notice a tiny person stuck underneath them?? thats me....

ahaha-us with our plastic teeth that came in the loot bags. hehe :)